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Rojarath, A., Jantama, T., Srirat, W., Mookpakdee, N., khumwiso, K., &  Surinta, O. (2024). Factors analysis affecting stroke disease using association rules. Journal of Science and Technology Mahasakham University, 43(3), 206-222. (TCI 1) [In Thai]

Rojarath, A. & Songpan, W. (2021). Cost-sensitive probability for weighted voting in an ensemble model for multi-class classification problems. Applied Intelligence, 51(7), pp. 4908-4932.(ISI)

Rojarath, A. & Songpan, W. (2020). Probability-weighted voting ensemble learning for classification model. Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 11(4), pp. 217-227. (Scopus)

Rojarath, A., Songpan, W. & Pong-Inwong, C. (2016). Improved ensemble learning for classification techniques based on majority voting. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICSESS). pp. 107-110.

Cost-sensitive probability

Overview of the new weight-voting ensemble model
Evaluation Measurement of the new weight-voting ensemble model